Valid points Akos. LLM-generated code is often a case of garbage in and garbage out. The same goes for other areas like writing. How can you expect the LLM to write well when most of the text it's trained on is not so great?

It's an interesting problem that hopefully doesn't get worse with time. Despite this, I still think LLMs are great for researching a topic but you've got to have some idea about the topic to ask the right questions.

Also, thanks for the mention!

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That's true about LLMs 100%, but you raised a good point about asking the right questions. With LLMs we already have all the answers. No LLM will tell you: "I don't know". So yes, questions are far more important.

I just recently show a short where Elon Musk is talking about developing his "motivating philosophy" after reading Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" as a teen. He said: "Adams makes this point that it's actually the question that is harder than the answer,". LLMs kind of proved this.

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