Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes :)

I agree that most people don’t start on such projects (myself included) just because we don’t take the first step, as it seems too daunting.

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Oct 1Author

I felt the same way because of the unknown.

Will it work? How long is it going to take? Wouldn’t it be better to just freelance instead?

However, if you manage to break down your first product into a small enough task—like writing a short book in a week—you can already answer some of these questions: it will take a week, and that’s not enough time to even find a client to freelance for. As for whether it will work, you (almost) never know until you launch.

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Insightful stuff Akos. Particularly about the whole speed thing with regard to your motivation running out.

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Thanks, glad you found it helpful!

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Thanks for the shoutout! :))

Agree so much with your post. I know this but keep havng to remind myself to ship faster!

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Oct 5Author

You're welcome Jason, I enjoyed your writing. I have to remind myself too – no wonder why some authors and YouTubers have all those motivational messages around their desk, framed. 😃

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