This is excellent advice Akos!

I wish more interviewers followed this approach for judging candidates. In fact, some of the best teams I worked in had similar interview processes, probably because when I was selected it turned out to be a far better match because of the process.

Also, while interviewing, I've found the best candidates for the team not asking pre-decided DSA questions but deeper discussions on actual problem-solving that reveal the person's thought process.

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Thanks Saurabh!

Yep, I just some good experiences recently and I knew I'm interviewing at the right company when I figured what their approach is. :)

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Loved the advice Ákos :)

For me as an interviewer - it also makes the candidate more ‘human’. I think that subconsciously, when you see someone think and struggle their way, even if the answer is only at 80%, we’ll prefer that candidate to the ‘perfect’ and rehearsed one.

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Totally agree. It resembles work conditions (and results) more too. We often make sacrifices while building stuff and our solutions are rarely 100% and usually have some pros and cons that we have to be aware of.

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